Cookie policy

This website uses cookies, which are small information files that the server sends to the device of whoever accesses the page in order to carry out certain functions that are considered necessary, appropriate or essential for the proper functioning and display of the website. Most of the cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the website. The cookies used are, in any case, temporary, with the sole purpose of making navigation more efficient, and disappear at the end of the session of the user. Under no circumstances will they be used to collect personal information, bearing in mind that they are only associated with an anonymous user and his or her device and, therefore, do not provide references that allow knowledge of personal data.


Types of cookies

Depending on WHO MANAGES IT, there are own cookies, which are those sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain managed by the editor himself and from which the service requested by the user is provided, and third party cookies, which are those sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain not managed by the editor.

Depending on the time they remain active, there are the session ones, which are designed to collect and store information while the user accesses a web page, and the persistent ones, in which the information is stored in the terminal and can be used during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie.

Depending on the purpose for which the information is processed, they can be:

The cookies used on our website are technical and from third parties, and allow us to store and access information regarding the language and type of browser used, and other general characteristics predefined for the user, as well as to follow and analyze the activity carried out in order to improve and provide our services and offer our information in a more efficient and personalized way. They are of a temporary nature, with the sole purpose of improving navigation and in no case are they an instrument suitable for the capture of personal data and, therefore, are not used for their collection.

When accessing our website, the user is informed of the use of cookies, and can directly access both the description of those used, and the cookie policy, and can also directly disable unnecessary cookies. As for the deactivation of the necessary ones, the information for its deactivation is provided in the cookies policy. If the user chooses to deactivate the necessary cookies, we cannot be held responsible for the optimum functioning of the website.



At any time you can access the configuration of your browser by accepting or rejecting cookies, or selecting those whose installation is allowed by following one of the following procedures depending on the browser you use:

Please note that these browsers are subject to updates or modifications, which is why we cannot guarantee that they will exactly match your browser version. If you do not use any of the related browsers, you can access them directly from your browser options usually in the “Options” menu in the “Privacy” section.


Deactivation/activation and deletion of cookies

These actions are carried out through the configuration of the browser.

If you do not want websites to install cookies on your device, you can adjust your browser settings so that you are notified before a cookie is placed. You can also adapt the settings so that the browser rejects all or only those of third parties, in the same way that you can delete either all or only some of those already on your device.

Due to the mechanics of the functioning of the internet and the websites, we do not always have information regarding the cookies placed by third parties through our website. This situation occurs especially in cases where our website contains integrated elements, i.e. text, documents, or images that are stored elsewhere, but which are displayed on or through our website. Therefore, if you come across this type of cookie, and they are not listed above, we would appreciate it if you could inform us, although you also have the option of contacting the third party directly to request the necessary information regarding the guarantee of protection of your privacy.